Dear Readers

Fear not the Darkness, But What Lies Within, The recesses of our mind, The creepy cobwebbed corners,That lingers on and tickles us,With tingle feelings of alarm, The deep in the stomach, Pain we feel when we do warn, The fear is deadly it seeks, The deepest corner of our mind, It's just a story to alarm,Educate and provide entertainment for our minds. So read on dear reader, I hope you find the stories amusing and full of charm.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

A Penny Saved A Murder Earned now available in paperback at Amazon

A lot of my readers asked me when I would have A Penny Saved A Murder Earned  available in paperback at Amazon; I am pleased to announce the waiting is done it's now available.
Please read an excerpt of the first chapter here

Lily Kelly, her adopted daughter Rose Brooksfield, her Great-Grandma Katha, and Amelia, her cousin all feel like they are under a curse; but appears to be the work of a serial killer that people around them having been falling like dominos. Amelia’s parents and siblings, Amelia’s husband and son, and Lily’s first husband all have been targeted by a killer. Now as Amelia’s store clerk, a homeless man, Lily’s present husband the Mayor, and Lily’s mother-in law are targeted. Lily and her cousin Amelia, under suspicion by the investigating officer Emmett Rogers, must fight the impulse to blame the curse and get to the bottom of who caused all their woes, before the killer targets them. Buy the book here

Readers have said this of the first book in The Kelly Murder Mysteries :
~Just finished reading "A Penny Saved A Murder Earned" Excellent read! It had me hooked from the beginning! At several points I didn't want to but it down! S.G. Lee really had me wondering who it really was. Keep up the excellent work! Can't wait to read the next book!~ Lisa Walker

Available soon in paperback (presently only available in e-book form)(the companion piece to A Penny Saved a Murder Earned)~ A Stitch in Time ~ the back story for Emmett Rogers

A Stitch In Time is a prequel to A Penny Saved A Murder Earned. It is the story of Emmett Rogers, in two thousand and four. Emmett is considered a hero for his actions in Afghanistan, but all Emmett wants is to forget the battle there and get on with his life, in his new job as a police officer. However coming home isn't as idyllic as Emmett hoped. His seventeen year old sister is pregnant and his father threw her out, echoing another incident in Emmett’s life. Emmett must fight the battles he now faces on the home front and face his own demons, before he can move on with his new life.

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