Dear Readers

Fear not the Darkness, But What Lies Within, The recesses of our mind, The creepy cobwebbed corners,That lingers on and tickles us,With tingle feelings of alarm, The deep in the stomach, Pain we feel when we do warn, The fear is deadly it seeks, The deepest corner of our mind, It's just a story to alarm,Educate and provide entertainment for our minds. So read on dear reader, I hope you find the stories amusing and full of charm.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Birthday Writer "Twin' Big E-Books & Book #Giveaway #WIN


It’s our birthday week (May 23 at 12 pm to June 2 at 12 noon, (we know that's not a week but we want to give you lots of chances to win)  (not the same year, but the same day May 28th) so... 
 Rob 'Sharky'                                                 &        Sheilagh Lee                                                                                                         

Want to let you possibly win presents. That's 

right we want you to win........................................

FREE STUFF like a FREE E-Books and Book!!!!

The gifts you may win? 

1.) 10 people could win 1 free e-book version of Devil’s Nightmare (gifted via Product Details

2.) and 1 lucky person an autographed paperback 
of Devil’s Nightmare(shipped to (U.S. / Canada only)Product Details

3.) 5 people could win 1 free e-book version of each of Love’s Labours Won                                                                         
& sequel A Tiger’s Heart Wrapped in a Player’s Hide

plus the companion or read alone short novella Reborn

(That’s 3 free e- books for those five people)

4.) 5 additional people could win 1 free e-book version each of A Penny Saved a Murder Earned  & (companion or stand alone novella) A Stitch in Time

(That’s 2 e-books for those 5 people)

5.) 5 others could win 1 free e-book version of Dreams can Kill

So what are you waiting for? Get your entries in today and good luck!!

To enter to win sign into Rafflecopter: 
1) Sign up to Sharky’s blog-3 entries
2.) Sign up to Sheilagh’s blog -3 entries
3.) Sign up to Twitter accounts- 3 entries each     
4.) Sign up to Facebook accounts- 3 entries each account total (6)
5.) Tweeting about this contest -3 entries
6.) Commenting on this contest in a blog post- 1 entry
7.) Must enter your email address how else can we contact you when and if you win? 1 entry 
8.) All prizes must be collected by June 30th, 2014 or prizes become null and void  

a Rafflecopter giveaway   In the event of a small amount of entries we reserve the right to arbitrarily decide winners
How many people can win? It depends on how many of you sign use the rafflecopter 

Monday, May 12, 2014

International ME/CFS & FM Awareness Day #Spoonies #Fibro #ME

May 12th is International ME/CFS & FM Awareness Day in honour of that day and the fact that this week is International  ME/CFS & FM Awareness Week 

Like a lot of fibromyalgia and multi-chemical sensitivity patients I hate talking about it. We suffer in silence (after all who wants to hear someone complain day after day, that they are in  pain/and or are tired, or breathed-in/ ate / were exposed to something that made them feel sick.  Or all three? The days we complain are usually the worst days when we feel if we don't say anything will explode from the extreme level of pain/or tiredness that feels like it's taking over our every waking moment. stealing our life away. The word we hate to say most CANT. Sooner or later that word is uttered and we hate to say it.
Have you ever had the flu? Think of your flu at it's worst and double or triple that, sometimes that is our good day. We try hard to appear normal and do normal things like everyone else so we don't often appear sick. Others are worse off and can not even get out of bed/ eat/ or live any type of normal life.

Millions of people around the world suffer in silence,we don't want sympathy we just want to be heard.This disease needs research, so they can find the roots of this disease and cure it, for more info on this disease.

Fibromyalgia Quick Facts

  • Affects 3 to 5 percent of the general population
  • Occurs in people of all ages, even children
  • Men develop fibromyalgia too, although more women are diagnosed with it
  • Symptoms are chronic but may fluctuate throughout the day
  • Roughly one-quarter of people with fibromyalgia are work-disabled
  • FDA approved the first drug for fibromyalgia in 2007 and more treatments are being developed but most find no relief.

 Top Twelve Fibromyalgia Symptoms    

  • Pain all over
  • Fatigue
  • Sleep difficulties
  • Brain fog
  • Morning stiffness
  • Muscle knots, cramping, weakness
  • Digestive disorders
  • Headaches/migraines
  • Balance problems
  • Itchy/burning skin
  • No relief from symptoms
  • Chemical sensitivities

Friday, May 9, 2014

A tribute to my Mother

So this weekend is Mother’s Day and like a lot of daughter’s, I am motherless now. to all of you who are like me motherless remember all the good things and keep your mom alive in hearts and minds by sharing stories of them.

     My mother was an, is always in my mind. She taught me so many things about compassion, kindness and generosity. My mother had a hard life. We never had a lot of money and she had six children to clothe and feed, but we always had clothes on our backs, food on our table and loads of love. My mother loved nature and would entertain us not with expensive trips, but with long walks to see the wildflowers, spring and other nature wonders. In the summer we’d pick wild berries and flowers. We had fun and often our friends we’d join our parties as we’d bring picnics with us.  I remember my childhood as fun and love filled. I never had expensive toys or things but never wanted for anything.
      She taught us the value of hard work showing us that hard work could be rewarded with fun walks and trips that cost little.

    My mother as I said never had a lot of money but there was always in her mind enough to share with others that had even less. I remember one time she heard that someone with four children had lost all their possessions in a house fire. She gave clothes of her own and ours as well as asking us to look through our toys and find toys that we’re in good shape that we could share with them. We did so willingly and happily.

    Many of our friends found refuge at our house. They found a willing ear, a comforting voice and a place to stay if they needed. If anyone of her children needed her she was there, with advice or anything else we needed without judgement. I miss here every day, but when I hear my voice as  I give my daughter’s advice or offer them what I was taught I know that I was the luckiest of people to have a mother like mine. So even though my mother is gone I am wishing her Happy Mother's Day. I was blessed I hope you are too!
This was one of her favourite pictures when she was eighteen with her pet crow 'Doc'.
Doc could talk like parrot but that's another story.

 ©Sheilagh Lee May 9, 2014