Dear Readers

Fear not the Darkness, But What Lies Within, The recesses of our mind, The creepy cobwebbed corners,That lingers on and tickles us,With tingle feelings of alarm, The deep in the stomach, Pain we feel when we do warn, The fear is deadly it seeks, The deepest corner of our mind, It's just a story to alarm,Educate and provide entertainment for our minds. So read on dear reader, I hope you find the stories amusing and full of charm.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Wake-up Call

Wake-up Call

Walking in late to the chapel, no one took notice of me as I took a pew. A woman at the pulpit talked about the deceased. Frankly I didn’t take her seriously, as she described the deceased as a good person who had lost their way and worked too much. The coffin had few flowers surrounding around it. Touching one of the vases I spilled water on the cuff of my suit. The cloying scent of lilies now clung to it.
Looking around I saw few people in the room. The speaker now dabbing her eyes was an older version of my preteen daughter. Trembling I advanced on the coffin. Looking inside I saw myself staring back at me.
I screamed and no one noticed. I begged God for one more chance to make this all right. I would be a better person I promised. I wouldn’t focus on my job so much but put my family first if only I had one more chance.
I awoke with a start. I was alive it had all been a dream. I could get on with my life go to work and forget all about this. I took my black suit out of the closet putting it on I found the cuff wet and a smell of lilies permeated from it. I put the suit back in the closet and told my office I was on vacation; my family and I were going to Disneyland. Life would be different from now on.

©Sheilagh Lee June 5, 2018

1 comment:

  1. One good thing to remember about what happens if your funeral sucks and nobody is there: You won't be aware of it.

    But yes: Sing while ye may.
