This is the long awaited cover of my new book 'A Penny Saved A Murder Earned' being epubbed either the end of this month or early September.
A Penny Saved A Murder Earned is the story of Lily, Kelly and her family. Lily Katha, Amelia, as well as Lily’s adopted daughter Rose Brooksfield feel like they are under a curse; but appears to be the work of a serial killer that people around them having been falling like dominoes. Amelia’s parents and siblings, Amelia’s husband and son, and Lily’s first husband all have been targeted by a killer. Now as Amelia’s store clerk, a homeless man, Lily’s present husband the Mayor, and Lily’s mother-in law are targeted. Lily and her cousin Amelia are suspected by the investigating officer Emmett Rogers. Lily and her family must fight the impulse to blame the curse and get to the bottom of who is causing all their woes before the killer targets them.
How exciting! Lots of luck with your book!