Happy Winter Solstice -Stonehenge
I had had always wanted to visit Stonehenge and then my
dream had come true, for I stood in the centre of Stonehenge at the dawn of
Winter Solstice . As the sun came up and shone on the stones, I
felt one with the stones. The air around me whirled and I felt dizzy as the
world seemed to shift. Before my eyes, the stones shimmered and seemed to become
as new again.
“The great warrior comes. See, I summoned him, sisters,”
I heard, but although I heard English, I knew it was in ancient dialect and not
truly in the words I heard. Before me stood three women their hair long and
luxurious, hanging down to their ankles. Each had a different hair colour, one
had fiery red hair ,one brown almost black and the other golden like the rays
of the sun.
“He looks scrawny.”
“Yes, far too skinny, young and has no muscles,”
commented the other.
“I used the right spell. I know I did he will be able
to remove the sword,” she said pointing to a sword stuck in a huge stone.
An ancient legend tells of a sword and stone, but this
was something different. It had jewels encrusted on its tang. The blade what I
could see of it was topped with quillon (a circular part) and guard with a nice
grip. It was made of silver and bronze quite tarnished. The sword was quite
spectacular as it had jewels of ruby, emerald, and diamonds encrusted on its
handle and I felt the need to touch it; but I held myself back.
“What is your name boy?” the brunette asked.
“Arthur.” I answered.
“Good you have done well. He even has the right name,
Morgana.” The blonde commented.
“There it is, boy. Get on with it.” said Morgana( the
I put my hand on the hilt and pulled with all my
might, but it wouldn’t budge. It was mired like quickstone, my knuckles and
hands grew scabbed and scarred trying to make it move.
“You’ve failed Morgana. You fool, he’s the wrong
Arthur. Send him back!” said the brunette.
“I think he’s handsome, might we keep him?” asked the
blonde touching my shoulders.
“No, you know the rules. We might borrow from time;
but they must all go back,” Morgana proclaimed.
There was a flash of light and then I found myself on
the ground in the centre of Stonehenge.
“See here. you are trespassing.” said a voice over my
head. ”And now you’ve knocked some of the stones down on top of you. I should
arrest you; but looking at the scrape on your head, I’d say you’ve learned your
lesson. Do you want me to call an ambulance, sir?”
“No, I’ll be fine.” I said holding my head and trying
to stem the bleeding.
I wondered if my head injury explained all of this and
reached in my pocket for a handkerchief. To my surprise I found a ruby from the
sword in my pocket .I smiled looking back at the stones, perhaps the ladies
would summon me again as long as I had the stone.
“Blessed be!” I shouted as I left.
©Sheilagh Lee December 21, 2021 included in Legends Folktales and other Stories