Dear Readers

Fear not the Darkness, But What Lies Within, The recesses of our mind, The creepy cobwebbed corners,That lingers on and tickles us,With tingle feelings of alarm, The deep in the stomach, Pain we feel when we do warn, The fear is deadly it seeks, The deepest corner of our mind, It's just a story to alarm,Educate and provide entertainment for our minds. So read on dear reader, I hope you find the stories amusing and full of charm.

Friday, June 30, 2017

#Free e-books limited time

For Canada's 150th birthday I'm giving you a present of either of these two e-books go to the Amazon link below titles July 1- 5 to get either of these two e-books free 
Lily Kelly, her adopted daughter Rose Brooksfield ,her Great-Grandma Katha, and Amelia, her cousin all feel like they are under a curse; but appears to be the work of a serial killer that people around them having been falling like dominos. Amelia’s parents and siblings, Amelia’s husband and son, and Lily’s first husband all have been targeted by a killer. Now as Amelia’s store clerk, a homeless man, Lily’s present husband the Mayor, and Lily’s mother-in law are targeted. Lily and her cousin Amelia, under suspicion by the investigating officer Emmett Rogers, must fight the impulse to blame the curse and get to the bottom of who caused all their woes, before the killer targets them. 

A book of heartfelt  collection of poetry to soothe the soul and make you laugh cry and smile

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Happy 150 Birthday Canada 1867-2017- A present for you

For Canada's 150th birthday I'm giving you a present go to the Amazon link below titles July 1- 5 to get either of these two e-books free 
Lily Kelly, her adopted daughter Rose Brooksfield ,her Great-Grandma Katha, and Amelia, her cousin all feel like they are under a curse; but appears to be the work of a serial killer that people around them having been falling like dominos. Amelia’s parents and siblings, Amelia’s husband and son, and Lily’s first husband all have been targeted by a killer. Now as Amelia’s store clerk, a homeless man, Lily’s present husband the Mayor, and Lily’s mother-in law are targeted. Lily and her cousin Amelia, under suspicion by the investigating officer Emmett Rogers, must fight the impulse to blame the curse and get to the bottom of who caused all their woes, before the killer targets them. 

A book of heartfelt  collection of poetry to soothe the soul and make you laugh cry and smile

Happy 150 Birthday Canada 

Canada a mosaic of people
Standing proudly free
The one hundred and fiftieth birthday
Of confederation 
When we all came together
At first under the flag of Britain 
Then finally to be one under a flag
With a field of red on each side
red maple leaf
 In a subject of white
In the centre
A symbol of our hearts
We love our country
Its people and traditions
We love the freedom of speech
Movement and freedom to vote

Yet we remember 
There were people 
Way before we became
We thank them for their contribution
Our very name
Because they are the reason
We are Canadian
They are the very best of us
Their values have made us better

Some days we quietly
Think about being Canadian
How we are so lucky
To be in this country
To live strong and free
To enjoy our country
So beautiful far and wide
Riches of nature to behold

We love our symbols such as
The beaver and the moose
Hockey, toques, Timmies' coffee
Butter tarts and maple syrup
Health care
Because we care 
For each other
To name a few
But most of all we love that
We can raise our families
In peace and tranquility
Proudly saying we are

So we raise our flags today
And celebrating proudly our birthday
Happy Canada Day!!
Smiling at our neighbours
Offering thanks to the heavens above
For peace as we
Get together to party
As one

¸¸.•*¨*• ♫♪Oh Canada we stand on guard for thee ♪♫ *¨*.¸¸¸¸
and ¸.•*¨*• ♫♪Happy Birthday♪♫ *¨*.¸¸¸¸.*¨* 

♡ Happy 150th Birthday Canada! 

July 1st, 2017

(From 1967 A Place to Stand )

This video was made a few years ago by some of my hometown people the song is 'Canadian Please'. I love this video.

Song & video produced by  Julia Bentley & Andrew Gunadie

And now we're off to party catch you Monday with our holiday hangover.

Friday, June 23, 2017



"Are you okay?” Andrew asked.
“At first I didn’t get it. He claimed to love me and then suddenly he married her.”
“You don’t seem over it, Gemma.”
“He was my first crush.”
“Crush not love?”
“I don’t love him anymore.”
“He’s not worthy of my love. He only cares about money and power.”
“You do finally get it.”
“Are you still his friend, Andrew?”
“I was never his friend, only yours Gemma.”
“You were, weren’t you?”
“I realized she’s perfect for him... cold, unfeeling and distant. He’s getting what he deserves.”
“And what do you deserve? Don’t you deserve happiness?”
“I guess so.”
“Then you only have to reach for it.”
“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” I asked.
“I love you Gemma, but I’m willing to wait until you’re ready. We’ve been here before in other lifetimes and what you have to know is my love is like a harbour a place of safety and retreat but you can leave any time you want and I’ll still be your friend and loyal companion for eternity.”
“I don’t get it why me? Why don’t you ever give up?”
“You are worth a thousand lifetimes of friendship. Some lifetime you’ll choose me.”
“I choose you.”
“Do you mean it Gemma?”
“I love you, only you, forever more.”
“Now we can get it right and our love can last this lifetime and hopefully beyond,” Andrew replied.

I just smiled and melted into his arms happy at last.

©Sheilagh Lee June 23, 2017

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Remembering D-Day 73 Years Later #ldnont

Remembering D-Day 73 Years Later

Image result for dday

Men some young, some old

Some in between
Scared, shaking in their skins
They found the inner courage
The stamina and the bravery

To go to war    
On distance shore
They battle waves
The wicked weather
To face tanks, big guns and men
Trying to take land
To end the war
To save their families
For tyranny and strife
To find peace
Who gave their all
So we could end the war
To have peace again
And enjoy the fruits of life
So on this day 73 years later
We remember their sacrifice
And every day
For their love of country
And home they forfeited
Peace of mind, fear and life
Some gave their lives
Others their peace of mind
There are now words to thank them

Image result for d'day- Juno beachWe shall never forgetImage result for d'day- Juno beach
Their sacrifice 

Image result for dday

And remember them forever
American, British and Canadian

Image result for dday
Londoners from Ontario, Canada

One and all remembered 
Forever more
 ©Sheilagh Lee June 6, 2017