Dear Readers

Fear not the Darkness, But What Lies Within, The recesses of our mind, The creepy cobwebbed corners,That lingers on and tickles us,With tingle feelings of alarm, The deep in the stomach, Pain we feel when we do warn, The fear is deadly it seeks, The deepest corner of our mind, It's just a story to alarm,Educate and provide entertainment for our minds. So read on dear reader, I hope you find the stories amusing and full of charm.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

The Tragically Hip~ Gordon Downie poetry in motion

       Last Monday the 8th of August I was fortunate to attend the Tragically Hip concert in London, Ontario. It was incredible and filled with all of Gordon's joy in his music that he shared with us the fans. Last night the 20th of August all of Canada was able to see their last concert in Kingston,Ontario on CBC or YouTube Live. For those of you not familiar with The Hip as they are lovingly called, the lead singer and poetic writer of all their songs ,Gordon Downie was diagnosed in December 2015 with a brain tumour specifically a glioblastomabrain tumour ( atype of brain cancer) which is incurable. Gordon recently announced that and chose to undergo some medical treatment and then tour one short last time to sellout crowds swelling tee shirts to research a cure. This is my tribute to Gordon Downie for his courage and love shown to the fans. if you are able to please donate to The Gordon Downie fund for BrainCancer

Gord Downie thoughtful, kind
Bringing us great music
Poetry in motion
Lyrics with meaning         
Making people think
Bringing people together
For more than thirty three years
And now tonight
For all Canadians and YouTube viewers

One nation under Gord♡
Closed down for over three hours
Most of all we thank him
We love you Gord

You are the best of Canada
Grace in motion.
For Gord’s joy/joie
Merci beaucoup
Thank you from the bottom
Of all Canadian hearts

  Ahead by a century

Never disappointing your fans
You have us in the palm
Of your hands
Forever more

©Sheilagh Lee August 20, 2016