Dear Readers

Fear not the Darkness, But What Lies Within, The recesses of our mind, The creepy cobwebbed corners,That lingers on and tickles us,With tingle feelings of alarm, The deep in the stomach, Pain we feel when we do warn, The fear is deadly it seeks, The deepest corner of our mind, It's just a story to alarm,Educate and provide entertainment for our minds. So read on dear reader, I hope you find the stories amusing and full of charm.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Birthday Week Giveaway Contest

It's my Birthday Week my birthday is Thursday May 28th and I'm in the mood to celebrate so I'm having a Twitter giveaway contest each day May 25 to May 29 I will ask a question about me or another question with an easy answer (other answers are below) to enter follow me at

and answer the giveaway question the first person to answer each day will receive a copy of one of my e-books. the books are below the answers to the questions I might ask below that in the five facts about me. If you're here and reading this leave me a Blogpost below and I'll put you in a raffle and you might win a e-copy of one of these books.

Christmas is Calling, The Christmas Card , The Christmas Angel

                                                                               A Penny Saved A Murder Earned, A Diller A Dollar A Really Dead Scholar, Betty Blue Lost Her Holiday Shoe



Five facts about me:

1.) My name, Sheilagh comes from Irish Gaelic and means musical or blind. I prefer musical, as I love to sing. My dad always said it was pronounced She-log though I go by Shee-la.
2.) My favourite musical movie is Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
3.) My favourite childhood book was What Katy Did.
4.) My favourite animal is an elephant. I love elephants and collect elephant figurines.
5.)  My writing career was born in grade six when a story about my mother’s talking crow Doc and I won for the junior trophy at my school.

N.B. You can only win once

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Today is May 12th - International ME/CFS & FM Awareness Day

Like a lot of Fibromyalgia, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis  and multi-chemical sensitivity patients, I hate talking about it. We suffer in silence (after all who wants to hear someone complain day after day, that they are in  pain/and or are tired, or breathed-in/ ate / were exposed to something that made them feel sick.  Or all three? The days we complain are usually the worst days when we feel if we don't say anything will explode from the extreme level of pain/or tiredness that feels like it's taking over our every waking moment. stealing our life away. The word we hate to say most CANT. Sooner or later that word is uttered and we hate to say it.
Have you ever had the flu? Think of your flu at it's worst and double or triple that, sometimes that is our good day. We try hard to appear normal and do normal things like everyone else so we don't often appear sick. Others are worse off and can not even get out of bed/ eat/ or live any type of normal life.

Millions of people around the world suffer in silence,we don't want sympathy we just want to be heard.This disease needs research, so they can find the roots of this disease and cure it, for more info on this disease.

Fibromyalgia Quick Facts

  • Affects 3 to 5 percent of the general population
  • Occurs in people of all ages, even children
  • Men develop fibromyalgia too, although more women are diagnosed with it
  • Symptoms are chronic but may fluctuate throughout the day
  • Roughly one-quarter of people with fibromyalgia are work-disabled
  • FDA approved the first drug for fibromyalgia in 2007 and more treatments are being developed but most find no relief.

 Top Twelve Fibromyalgia Symptoms    

  • Pain all over
  • Fatigue
  • Sleep difficulties
  • Brain fog
  • Morning stiffness
  • Muscle knots, cramping, weakness
  • Digestive disorders
  • Headaches/migraines
  • Balance problems
  • Itchy/burning skin
  • No relief from symptoms
  • Chemical sensitivities

I wrote this poem about the monster I call Fibro.

The Monster Within

It calls to me, it’s breath blowing
It calls to me, it’s tendrils showing
It calls to me, and speaks in sweet whispers
It calls to me, and shows sweet lures 
Promising if I listen it will subside 
It lies, it lies!!

I give it none. no smile no wave
But it looks at me, as if it can’t behave
I turn my head, acknowledge it not
For life, its battle I have fought

The normal things that others do 
They are not for you
It shouts and screams and screams
But I listen not.

Through distant cries it calls to me
But it’s lies, do not get to be
I close the door, heed not it’s siren call
For in my heart and body it dies
Or simply lurks in a dark corner today
I hide it away, not letting it out to play,

It is not here, I tell myself
It won’t come in and ruin my day
It shouts, it pleads
Ignoring would be a sin
But I will not let it in
I battle on and this time I win

But the battle is always nigh
And my attention will not die
Pain and strength weakening
I fight on the good fight
This battle will be won

The monster’s tendrils extend it’s reach
Fighting I move into the breach
For it’s me who will teach
The monster it is no more!
If only for today, for 
Now the monster's gone away
I can come out to play.

 ©Sheilagh Lee  May 12, 2015